


  •  17 Light Images at 300s exposure
  • 20 Dark Images
  • 20 Bias Images
  • 22 Flat Images

    SH 2-171. NGC 7822. An emission nebula that lies about 2900 light  years away.

    I was only able to capture 17 light images at 300s exposure. That is 85 minutes of exposure time. As a result I feel I got decent details of this complex emission nebula. However, I think I could have gotten better. My cloud like image has details but they could be finer. Sharper. I am missing a lot of details within the cloud itself I have seen others capture. Maybe if I had a few more images to stack? Maybe longer exposure? Both?  Maybe if the moon wasn’t shining so bright that night as well? There are number of factors that could be in play here but I am looking to do second attempt with this.

    Overall, I am still happy with my results. I captured a demonic cloud like nebula about to rain some blood down on some poor souls.



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